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Handy for getting a simple dump of what the claims are, to check for validity, without worrying about certificate chains and JWT signatures and other things. (You can change the $2 to $1 to see the JWT header, and ignore the potential 'base64 invalid input error')
awk -F. '/From:|To:/; /Identity:/ { z="echo "$2" | sed s/Identity:.// | base64 -d"; z | getline b; print b };' < /file/containing/invite
This is valid. (Ignoring the iat timestamp):
{"attest":"B","dest":{"tn":["12125551234"]},"iat":1629145644,"orig":{"tn":"19205551234"},"origid":"5e0f3f6c-da74-11eb-8d19-0242ac130003","rcd":{"nam":"James Bond"}}
Cert Validation process: